Welcome Urantia Book readers in Texas!
Published by the Lone Star IUA for its members
February, 2004 --------------------------------------Volume 12 Number 1
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 11:19 PM
Subject: UAUS Dr. William Sadler StatementDear presidents and vice presidents,
Following is the statement on Dr. William Sadler that the CLP composed in conjunction with Connie Greene and the UAUS GB (of the time) during the summer of 2002. This statement was on the agenda to be adopted at the Nashville UAUS national meeting last June; however, as some of you may recall, Connie Greene was prevented from attending due to car trouble enroute and we were not 100% certain we had the correct and final version.
In the interim, you've amended Article 5: Manner of Acting to allow for the CLP to take action on an issue provided all members are given 30 days notice of the action being proposed and provided a majority of CLP members vote in favor of the action. Therefore, I am posting this statement for you to review with your local associations. I will post a ballot for this statement in 30 days that can be returned anytime between posting and March 31. On April 1, along with election results, I will announce the results of this statement's adoption by the CLP.
Thank you,
Judy Van Cleave
UAUS Secretary
Urantia Association of the United States
Statement in Support of Dr. Sadler and the Declaration of TrustThe Urantia Association of the United States and the Council of Local Presidents of the Urantia Association of the United States wish to issue a public statement in refutation of the court testimony of Harry McMullan in his efforts to invalidate the copyright in the Urantia Book. We speak for supporters of the Urantia Foundation in the United States, comprised of the 25 Local Associations of the International Urantia Association and their respective members. We believe that we also represent the feelings of many thousands of readers and supporters around the world.
The testimony given by Mr. McMullan has cast doubt on the integrity of Dr. William Sadler. Our support for the doctor comes not from any sort of reverence or elevation of a particular human, but rather from the facts of his life, as he lived it. Much of his life was dedicated to the protection of the unaltered text of the Urantia Book. These purposes were granted not only by United States copyright, but also by the state of Illinois in legally establishing the Urantia Foundation; and this Foundation has consistently upheld their charge in the areas of publishing, translating and protecting the Book for more than fifty years.
As members of the International Urantia Association, our most basic tenets are in support of upholding the copyright and the protection of an unaltered text as stated in the Declaration of Trust of the Urantia Foundation. The dedication to upholding the legal rights granted by the state and federal government guide our purposes, not dogma or precept. We stand against Mr. McMullan’s statements and actions ethically, morally and legally.
The statements made in court testimony are without any basis in fact; even the accuser admitted there was no evidence for his claims. After many years of research into the historical records, we find nothing that would give a shred of support to those claims against the doctor's character. Rather than find the doctor’s reasoning and methods being suspect, the records show a man that was highly respected in all his fields of expertise over his life.
In the medical field, Dr. Sadler was a leader in new surgical techniques, teaching and writing. He was highly regarded as a lecturer, teacher, surgeon and medical practitioner not only in Chicago, but around the world. He was a contributor and advisor to advancing health practices in his time. He authored many best selling books on health, as well as magazine and journal articles early in the 20th century; and records show that he was loved by his patients and students as a humane and kind man who made a genuine difference in their lives.
He consistently worked against spiritualism and the deception of vulnerable people. His application of truth and scientific method reveal a man who was never afraid of speaking out, even against his own long held convictions. The doctor was always on the cutting edge of his fields, and the many years he spent working among the poor and unfortunate around the country were a testament to his love of humanity. The assertion that Doctor Sadler was anything other than an honorable man, with the highest moral ethics, is in direct opposition to his well documented life. The personal opinions stated in court testimony bear no resemblance to the late Doctor Sadler.