Welcome Urantia Book readers in Texas!
Published by the Lone Star IUA for its members
Spring, 2006 --------------------------------------Volume 14 Number 1
Sent: March, 2006Subject: These updates are sent to reader/believers in the Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi region by LSUA. They are a compilation of reader information and news that ever circulates within our organization, Urantia Association International.
Greetings Lone Star Members,
In this issue:
- Executive Administrator Cathy Jones resigns.
- Announcing the February 2006 issue of the UAI Journal, by editor Guy Perron.
- Webmaster Mario Caoile invites members to join the UAI List, and asks for your database updates.
- Links to UAI/IUA websites, study groups, charter and bylaws, other Association's newsletters, projects.
- A Texas "howdy" to new contacts.
- Dissemination as it appeared to readers almost a quarter century ago, part one.
- The International Conference in July - Call for leaders.
- Acknowledgement and thanks from Urantia Foundation.
A woman who put thousands of hours into creating, fostering and guiding UAI has resigned as Executive Administrator. She is thought of by many as the "mother of UAI". She has been an inspiration to so many for so long, it is difficult to think of her away from the helm. But at 81 she is not retiring. She will remain editor of TIDINGS, UAI's magazine. President Charland of Quebec sent this message to the UAI List:
Dear members of UAI,On the 28th of January 2006, Cathy Jones sent her resignation to the ISB. In her letter, she started by saying that to serve with each member of the ISB these last three years has been a memorable and rewarding experience. She also says, she always knew that when the time to move on was right she would know it and firmly feels now is the time.
It is with a sense of history accomplishing itself that we are witness to the departure of such a dedicated worker from the ISB roll call. Cathy will stay on as editor of Tidings, and she will carry on as a board member of her local association. She is also taking care of her husband who is suffering from a debilitating illness. She is an inspiration of courage, loyalty and dedication that will shine in the history of this Revelation.
The ISB on Cathy’s suggestion is already considering her replacement and I will inform you shortly on its choice. Cathy will take the necessary time to transfer her duties to her replacement.
Gaetan Charland
President2. THE JOURNAL
UAI Journal is a thoughtful publication with a long history of printing articles that relate to or impinge on the revelation. Issues, old and new, are available online going back to 2000. An article by yours truly appears in this edition. Editor Guy Perron of Quebec made the following announcement on January 29.
Dear members of the UAI list,Hope you are all well and that this message finds you in great spirit, the Spirit of our Father that dwells within each of our mind. The February issue of the UAI Journal is ready.
All the links are here:
According to your Internet connections, you can choose the low, standard or high resolution options for each of the three languages. For example, the high resolution files do not take long to download for those with broadband connections.
Each of us, member of your UAI Journal TEAM is filled with great joy to bring you this issue that we feel is our best effort yet. For the first time, the Journal is available in English, Spanish and French at the same time.
We hope you will enjoy it as much as we did in making it. I would like to thank all the 'ascending mortals' as Gary would say, that were involved in putting this issue together: Olga Lopez, Carolyn Prentice, Mario Caiole, Alain Cyr, Jean Royer, Michael Hanian, Antti Roine, Phil Taylor, Rick Warren, Will Sherwood and Seppo Kanerva.
Warmest regards to all of you May the peace and love of God be with you and within you always.
Your brother in Spirit and in service,
Guy Perron
TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More3. UAI LIST AND DATABASE
UAI offers web-based communication sites for all members, from the Local Association to the National to international. The UAI List is a communications tool for our international organization, all members are welcome, no charge. A fair warning however, hard-hitting and contentious issues can and do flare up on this site. UAI is a newly reborn organization that is still working out the elements of its existence. Naturally there are diverse opinions about how we are to proceed given our Mission Statement:
To foster study of The Urantia Book and to disseminate its teachings.In the database, every Association, local or national, is listed along with its members, their skills, study groups, language ability and other important information. An Association's officers are given access to the database upon entering office. The database needs to be updated when you move or change your email. Web administrator Mario Caoile, a reader friend in Oregon, sent the following post about joining the UAI list and our database:
Any member of UAI interested in subscribing to the UAI List contact admin@urantia-uai.org When someone requests to join the list I normally check the UAI database to see if the person is listed and if not, get in touch with an officer of his/her association to verify membership.
All associations are urged to update your information in the database, especially your membership roster. You know best who are your current and past members, who have changed their email addresses, and so forth. Any officer of an association can have access to the database.
In the UAI Forum, it is a good idea for security reasons, to change your password, by going to "My Controls" and under "Options" "Change Password"
Let Oscar or me know if you need help with the database, or have trouble logging in to the Forum.
Websites offering information, study and contact for all levels of our organization are abundant.
Starting at the Local level is the Lone Star website:
What's New at LoneStarLight.comThis link will take you to the National level where there are photos, UB inspired music and art:
http://www.urantiausa.org/index.htmAt the international level, you will find the Charter and Bylaws, UAI projects involving study and dissemination, event information, membership requirement, and many other items of interest to members.
http://www.urantia-iua.org/Newsletters from other Associations around the planet can be found here:
http://www.urantia-uai.org/newsletters/index.htmlMost of these sites have links to yet other sites associated with study and dissemination activities. To view all the Associations, go to:
http://www.urantia-iua.org/contacts.html5. NEW TEXAS CONTACTS
Welcome and a tip of the hat to Yliana of Richardson and Juan of Brownsville. When you seek contact with other readers through Urantia Foundation, your name is passed on to UAI membership. Our Local membership person is David Glass, he keeps track of new "Referrals" from UF. And he can connect you with others in the region too. Contact him if you are interested in connecting with readers in your area or wantto start a Study Group:
dlglass@aol.comAlso at your service are the other officers of the governing board of Lone Star Urantia Association:
President Debra Guevara
debraathome@yahoo.comVice President Betty Tarpley
cbt741@sbcglobal.netSecretary Rick Guevara
rvguevara@yahoo.comTreasurer David Jaggers
This is the first in a series on dissemination written by readers 23 years ago. It was published in the UAI JOURNAL recently. If you would like to see the whole article, go to:
The following is a 1983 publication from headquarters, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, restating advice and counsel from diverse sources that explain the rationale for a long-standing policy regarding The Urantia Book.
Any historical document may require some degree of revision to express its contemporary relevance; as a minimum, note that the fraternal organization organized in support of the purposes of Urantia Foundation is no longer Urantia Brotherhood, but the International Urantia Association; and its member groups are no longer called "Societies" but "Associations."
The Timing of The URANTIA Book. As The URANTIA Book was being readied for publication in 1955, certain members of the General Council of URANTIA Brotherhood collaborated to prepare a memorandum concerning the timing of The URANTIA Book and their perceptions of the readiness of the world to receive the fifth epochal revelation. This memorandum was dated April 4, 1955, and was placed in the files of the Executive Committee. Here is a portion of their memorandum:
We regard The URANTIA Book as a feature of the progressive evolution of human society. It is not germane to the spectacular episodes of epochal revolutions, even though it may apparently be timed to appear in the wake of one such revolution in human society. The book belongs to the era immediately to follow the conclusion of the present ideological struggle. That will be the day when men will be willing to seek truth and righteousness. When the chaos of the present confusion has passed, it will be more readily possible to formulate the cosmos of a new and improved era of human relationships. And it is for this better order of affairs on earth that the book has been made ready.But the publication of the book has not been postponed to that (possibly) somewhat remote date. An early publication of the book has been provided so that it may be in hand for the training of leaders and teachers. Its presence is also required to engage the attention of persons of means who may be thus led to provide funds for translations into other languages.
We must learn to possess our souls in patience. We are in association with a revelation of truth which is a part of the natural evolution of religion on this world. Over-rapid growth would be suicidal. The book is being given to those who are ready for it long before the day of its world-wide mission. Thousands of study groups must be brought into existence and the book must be translated into many tongues. Thus will the book be in readiness to comfort and enlighten the peoples of many languages when the battle for man’s liberty is finally won and the world is once more made safe for the religion of Jesus and the freedom of mankind.
The Plan for Our Early Stage.
To those in whom circumstances placed the custodianship of the fifth epochal revelation, and to us who have followed, it was apparent that we were to engage in three primary programs:
- to train leaders and teachers,
- to bring into existence thousands of study groups, and
- to acquire funds to provide for translations of The URANTIA Book into other languages.
It was agreed that it was vital that these activities be carried on quietly, without the glare of public attention. Hence, the decision was made that the revelation would be spread to new readers primarily by personal and individual means. The early planners believed that a broad and sturdy foundation should be built of people who were well-grounded in the spiritual and intellectual teachings of the book. So that students could nurture their faith and belief and refine their knowledge of the teachings, there must be provided an atmosphere free of controversy. Notoriety would distract readers from their study and preparation, and therefore, publicity should be avoided.
This has been the ongoing plan of URANTIA Brotherhood and URANTIA Foundation since 1955, because those who have followed the early planners in a leadership capacity are in complete agreement with the earlier assessment.
In 1958, the Domestic Extension and International Fellowship (formerly Foreign Extension) Committees received a memorandum from URANTIA Foundation:
For the foreseeable future the Trustees deem it unwise to engage in formal advertising.
Personal Propaganda.
The Trustees as a body have watched with great interest the dissemination of The URANTIA Book during the last 2 ½ years. With certain notable exceptions, the book appears to have fared best in new hands when the recipient had a reasonably close relationship to the donor. We accordingly recommend continuing emphasis on this method of dissemination.
Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Growth.
URANTIA Brotherhood was organized with the prime purpose of disseminating the teachings of The URANTIA Book; however, one former president of the Brotherhood advised:
This URANTIA Movement is not a temporary, spectacular flash that appears quickly in the panorama of history, and then subsides and is extinguished. Rather, it is a long-range project that is designed to become part of the religious epoch that is characteristic of the post bestowal Son age.Another former Brotherhood president, once reminded her audience:
We must not be in a hurry. We must not be stampeded into unwise actions to promote the revelation. Those who witnessed the formulation of the URANTIA Papers and the subsequent publication of The URANTIA Book, zealously guarded and controlled the manner in which it was presented to the world, letting the example of the unseen friends, who waited hundreds of years to make this revelation, curb their impatience and govern their enthusiasm.~End Part One~
Australia/New Zealand UAI member and conference coordinator Merendi Swadling sends the following love note:
Hi all,I thought it may be appropriate to put a final call out for workshop facilitators for the exciting, and looming,
The list below shows all the available workshops. If you are interested in leading any of these topics, please let me know as soon as possible.
As an aside, we also need study group facilitators. This role will require minimal effort on your behalf and entails leading a study group in a pre-prepared study group reading. The conference committee + other volunteers are putting together the study groups. You simply need to show up on the day :-) Again, let me know if you're interested in helping out.
Hoping I will see many of you in July.
Much love and friendship,
Merindi Swadling
Conference ChairPS. If you've missed it, information on the conference can be found at:
AVAILABLE WORKSHOPSVan and Amadon The Power of Persistence
The extraordinary sagacity of Van in being prepared to question his superiors. Contrast with the equally sincere but mistaken loyalty of the rebellious staff members to Caligastia. Amadon’s sublime faith and trust in both Van and his heavenly Father.
From Herds to Brotherhood: The Adjutants and the Spirit of Truth
Our adjutant inheritance includes the urge to mingle and cooperate with whichever group we come to know. Such gentle feelings are often swept aside by animal needs, or by local ideologies burning bright. But for 2,000 years, such drives have been amplified by the Spirit of Truth, and given meaning by our adjusted response. Taken together, these urges, desires and insights are helping to lay foundations for the brotherhood of all mankind.
Teamwork and Epochal Revelation
Each epochal revelation on Urantia has been entrusted to small teams, and each initially appeared insufficient in every way: that first mighty team of two, Van and Amadon, the Sethite priests, the Salem missionaries, the apostles and disciples of Jesus. Each proved able to maintain the thread of spiritual continuity, and kept a spiritual flame alight. Will those of us entrusted with the fifth revelation be ready and able to carry such a torch?
What’s Different About Planet Urantia?
How did we come to be isolated? In what ways, really, are we alone? What compensation awaits us for enduring such unique and acute struggles? While Urantia may lack the benefits of a planetary culture and shared beliefs, our personal spiritual circuits are all in place. All we need do is believe without seeing. What does it take to do this? Why are agondonters so special?
The Dynamics of Teamwork
Why are some teams more effective than others? Why are some teams like the “A-Team” and others more like dysfunctional, loosely woven committees? How does effective leadership influence the dynamics of a team? One of the most important lessons to be learned during your mortal career is teamwork. (p.312:1) In civilization much, very much, depends on an enthusiastic and effective load-pulling spirit. (p.911:2)
Harmony in the Face of Diversity
Learning to work with one another in a spirit of unity for common goals despite sincere differences of ideologies and opinions. Always we may have diversity of intellectual comprehension and interpretation, even varying degrees of socialization, but lack of spiritual brotherhood is both inexcusable and reprehensible. (p.1866:3)
Preparing Small Teams for the Dissemination of Truth Learning to articulate the teachings of The Urantia Book in a way commensurate with people’s intellectual development. Look at how the small teams were prepared in Dalamatia, Eden, and Salem and explore Jesus’ methods.
The Salem Missionaries
The lives and experiences of the men and women who ventured forth from Salem, Mesopotamia, and Lake Van to enlighten the tribes of the Eastern Hemisphere present a heroic chapter in the annals of the human race. (p.1021:6) You who today enjoy the advantages of the art of printing little understand how difficult it was to perpetuate truth during these earlier times; how easy it was to lose sight of a new doctrine from one generation to another. (p.1022:2)
The Rewards of Isolation As Opposed to the Dangers of Isolation
Salvation is the reward of faith, not merely of works. (p.1802:0) Only sin is isolated and evil gravity resisting on the mental and spiritual levels. The universe is a whole; no thing or being exists or lives in isolation. Self-realization is potentially evil if it is antisocial. (p.647:5)
Let Faith Replace Fear
Fear is a lack of faith. Humility enables us to become truly exalted; the aim is to show true humility toward God. Humility and sincerity go hand in hand to strengthen faith. Sincerity is the sign of a pure heart, while courage is at the very heart. "Fear not" was his [Jesus’] watchword, and patient endurance his ideal of strength of character (p.1982:1). Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God. (p.40:5)
Prayer – The Antidote to Feelings of Isolation
Prayer has been the ancestor of much peace of mind, cheerfulness, calmness, courage, self-mastery, and fair-mindedness in the men and women of the evolving races. (p.998:3)
The Lone Star UA received a letter of thanks from Foundation Director, Jay Peregrine. Besides your individual donations, LSUA gave $305 to UF in 2005. This money went to the Prison Placement Project and to the Chinese translation.
The Chinese translation has tremendous potential to transform Asia once the idea of religious freedom takes root. The Chinese will be completed before the end of the decade. It will make the revelation available to almost 20% of Urantia's population in their native tongue. There is no greater translation project than this one.
In concert with UAI, Urantia Foundation makes returned and/or unsalable U-Books available to prison inmates. The prison project puts UBs in inmate's hands for the price of shipping ($7). And if an inmate can't afford that, there is a reserve fund to ensure anyone who wants a Book gets one. UF forwards to the UAI Dissemination Committee these inmate inquiries for vetting and processing. PIRT (Prison Inquiry Response Team) members are UAI members who contact inmates and offer them UBs. The responses from inmates touch the heart in a profound way.
For example:
I received my Urantia Book last week and it’s all I expected and some. I haven’t gotten much sleep in the last few days because I haven’t been able to put it down. I have so many questions I don’t know where to begin.
--from LouisianaThis book is WOW!. . . I find it difficult to set this wonderful book down! I’ve started reading from the beginning of the "U" as soon as I got it but I have also taken the liberty to read a few selected areas that called out for me to examine them. What a book! I’ve read Paper 53 on the Lucifer rebellion and it shed light on the "why" Satan is allowed to do the things he has done. Of course, I’ll need to re-read this in order to grasp its full message, and to see what I’ve missed on the first reading. I’m pretty sure that every time I re-read any portion of this marvelous book I’ll see something new.
--from a prisoner in TexasI have started my second reading and I’m at ‘The Dawn of Civilization.’ I’ll have read it cover to cover again before I get out [of prison] in the end of March, and I find it so fascinating I’ll start all over again. It is indeed the best book I have ever read! I do believe a book of this caliber can only be divinely inspired. I ask the Father to assist me in my understanding as I read. I don’t expect miracles or some kind of religious experience but I do believe my spiritual growth is making progress. And yes, I do ask the Father for guidance and help in understanding in the hopes that my future will not be a repeat of my past, when I was a thinker of good thoughts but a doer of bad deeds. The Urantia Book is a fascinating book – an absolute page turner! I recommend it to everyone who asks me about it and say it’s a must-read book.
--from CaliforniaI received my book in November last year and I’m into my second reading of it. I’m almost half way through with it and I have to say, I’m totally blown away! I’ve been searching for the last twenty years for answers and never have I found anything I could stay with and believe as being the real or whole truth until now. If you can find me someone or a group to write to about all of this I would greatly appreciate it. I feel after all these years of searching I’ve finally found something that makes sense out of everything. I’m probably one out of a billion or so people fortunate enough to know the real truth. I feel most honored.
--from Florida"I’ve been an inmate here for almost ten years. Two years ago I requested a copy of The Urantia Book. Since that time I’ve discovered many answers to questions I’ve had in regards to history, spirituality, religion, worship, and my destiny, answers which this world’s Holy Bible does not have. The information that is contained in The Urantia Book has been immensely enlightening. I’ve found many hours of comfort from reading it. Thank you so much for such a gift!
--from Texas
*************If you would like to join UAI and participate in its mission to foster study and disseminate the teachings, you may apply on the UAI website's membership page:
http://www.urantia-uai.org/UAI_membership.html Please feel free to pass this update onto other readers, and to submit articles for publication in this newsletter.
If you would like to subscribe other readers, please forward this e-dress to them:
Rick Warren
LSUA Communications
817 246 0882