Welcome Urantia Book readers in Texas!
Published by the Lone Star UA for its members
September, 2006 --------------------------------------Volume 14 Number 9
These updates are sent to reader/believers in the Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Mississippi region by LSUA. They are a compilation of information and news related to Urantia Association International activities and projects. UAI is a fraternal organization, its mission is to foster study and disseminate the supernal teachings found in The Urantia Book.
- Secretary's Report on the August 21st Jesus Birthday Celebration
- The "Humanities Team" Presentation, A Report by Organizer David Glass
- Announcing the September Edition of TIDINGS Magazine
- Local Contacts and Welcome to New Members/Readers
- The Dissemination of the Urantia Book ~ An Overview and a Plan (Part one)
- The Indwelling Spirit in Study Groups ~ Methods of Study by Gaétan Charland
- ~Good~Thots~ An Extract of Goodness from The Urantia Book
- Urantia Book Internet School (UBIS) New Semester Begins
- Appeal from Mark Kurtz ~ UAI-CFO
Special note: Curtis Tarpley was home and recuperating, but returned to the hospital yesterday to stem an infection. He says: Thanks for your good thoughts and wishes.
1. LSUA secretary Rick Guevara sent the following on the Jesus birthday gathering he and Debra hosted: 2006 August 21st marks the 2,012th Urantia birthday of Michael of Nebadon. There were many Urantians who planned gatherings to celebrate this event. One such event was held at the Guevara’s home in Plano.
Ed and Janet Nachtweh, Ann Garner, Art Hernandez, David Glass, Laurie Burks, Lawanda Thorp, Ralph Engstrom, Rod Holland and Rosalie Dunham were all able to join Debra and Rick. We made new friends, enjoyed old friends and kept everyone in our hearts that was not able to attend. We all enjoyed a great meal and conversation. Everyone brought their favorite dish including potato salads, fajitas, tortillas, breads, desserts, drinks and other tasty items.
After the meal we sang Happy Birthday to Michael accompanied by David Glass on the piano. Ed led the Michaelmas, reading "Establishment of the Remembrance Supper" from the Urantia Book. After that we partook of a Remembrance Supper as a group. The ice cream and birthday cake (which said "Happy Birthday Jesus") rounded out the afternoon.
We did ask Lawanda if the grocery store employees asked her why she was getting a birthday cake for Jesus. She told us that the folks thought she had a Spanish speaking relative: Jesus is a common Spanish name which translates to Jesse. While enjoying cake and ice cream, Ed demonstrated his ability on the 88s playing jazz, blues and classical pieces.
The festivities closed with a short meeting of the LSUA and NTUS officers and members present. In the spirit of continuing cooperation we decided to continue hosting a monthly gathering of Urantia readers. The next gathering will be at Ed and Janet’s home on October 1st. These meetings will feature food, fun and a Urantia topic discussion. If you would like details please contact either Ed Nachtweh (eduard@airmail.net) or Richard Guevara (rvguevera_uran@yahoo.com). Everyone is welcome!
2. There's hardly a feeling as rich or thrilling as showing the UB to potential readers. Probably because we know deep inside poor Urantia is longing to be freed from the horrific bonds of ignorance. In the interest of alleviating Urantia's travails, several area readers made a plan and presented the revelation at a Humanities Team booth, week before last. HT is an offshoot of the "Conversations With God" phenom. David offers this recap:
Second Annual Dallas Oneness Conference"Oneness?" Well, from the UB perspective, we are children of the Supreme as well as of the Father. Whatever the case, I was more than fulfilled by the success of the conference. In the "vendors" area, where the UB booth was set up, we really got to know each other. It was fertile ground for germination of the seeds of brotherhood.
There was a little less turn out than expected--Texas/Ohio football game had something to do with it, no doubt. But I couldn't have taken in any more than I did as it was. I was assisted by Rick Guevara, Justin Mooney, Ed and Janet Nachtweh, and Bobby Lane at various times during the day. It seemed to me, perhaps to the others too, that many attendees had seen the UB before, read all or part of it. We were able to take these folks a couple of steps further in their understanding/appreciation of the Book inasmuch as they were open to conversation and shared their viewpoints and experiences with the book.
I met 2-3 people with no concept of the book who wanted introductions--could you do that?! It was challenging but I have learned from Linda Buselli, and others, ways to find out which part(s) of the book people might be interested in. Also my Membership Chair experiences of talking to new or experienced readers--who vary significantly in their approaches and responses to the UB, were helpful in this context.
Our booth featured the banner and concentric circles flag provided by Suzanne Kelly--thank you. And thanks especially to the LSUA and the US of NT for their financial, moral and spiritual support that made the booth possible. We distributed much literature. I insisted that passersby take the free literature. These people had to pay $20 each just to get in!! That may have cut down on attendance too. But I felt "Divine Right Order" prevailed and the people there were supposed to be there.
By the way, there were no controversies at the booth or anywhere at the fair. There seemed to prevail a pre-existent spirit of "Oneness" throughout the vendors area and the speakers' presentations in the sanctuary, which went on all day. There were also musicians (Mark Austin, et al.), poets (Jim Cleveland and friends), and other UB readers who had another booth just across the aisle from ours. There were also storytellers between speakers in the sanctuary.
The evening panel discussion was: Is there something about God and Life which we don't know, the knowledge of which might change everything? It was traced through three sections: How does each member of the panel see the spiritual condition/climate/circumstances in the world today? How can we make spiritual progress individually, collectively, and as a planet? If we achieve some spiritual progress in the world, how will it change the world? This discussion went on for 2 1/2 hours!! The four panel members were: a Jewish Sufi mystic, a now-New Age-futurist-former-charismatic-Pentecostal-fundamentalist preacher, the head of the Divinity School at SMU in Dallas, and an Imam and an associate from a Dallas mosque, representing Islam. Excellent articulate discussion of all points and by all panelists. Original ideas and perspectives offered by all. The moderator was also excellent!
I would add that--my cup ran over--and I could not have imagined a better venue for sharing a revelation, one that embraces mankind as a whole. The spiritual friendliness and desire to become acquainted with other attendees and participants was more than palpable, it was unmistakable--everywhere and constant. Thanks again to all who participated, who made it possible, and who shared with others that it would be taking place!
Respectfully submitted,
David Glass
LSUA Membership Chair
3. TIDINGS is an online magazine for readers. The September edition begins with important messages regarding the internal workings of UAI from President Charland, followed by two more "How The Urantia Book Found Me" pieces, reports on Michaelmas from around the planet, a reader's trip to Ireland, a summary of the conference in Uruguay, and other items of interest you can get from nowhere except TIDINGS. Submissions welcome.
Cathy's announcement:
Dear Friends,
Your September TIDINGS (electronic) news magazine is on the website. We believe you will enjoy reading about and seeing the faces of many of your fellow Urantia Book students around the world. It has been our pleasure to bring you this edition.
A big "thank you" to the contributors, artists and poet.
Cathy Jones - Editor
Mario Caoile - Layout and Design
Olga Lopez - Spanish Translation
Line St.Pierre - French Translation
TIDINGS English edition
standard http://www.urantia-uai.org/tidings/english/2006/tidings_2006_10.pdf
low http://www.urantia-uai.org/tidings/english/2006/tidings_2006_10LO.pdfTIDINGS Spanish edition
standard http://urantia-uai.org/tidings/espanol/2006/tidings_2006_10esp.pdf
low http://urantia-uai.org/tidings/espanol/2006/tidings_2006_10espLO.pdfTIDINGS French edition
standard http://www.urantia-uai.org/tidings/french/2006/tidings_2006_10fre.pdf
low http://www.urantia-uai.org/tidings/french/2006/tidings_2006_10freLO.pdf Editor's note: If you have trouble downloading, I find if I download Adobe Reader and minimize before double-clicking the desired translation, it comes up quicker.
4. NEW CONTACTS ~ Welcome and a tip of the hat to new members and recipients. Three more readers in this region submitted their names (to Urantia Foundation who passed them on to UAI) asking to be listed as contacts:
Patricia H from Killeen
Matthew W of Hurst
Travis G from AthensIf you live near one or more of these readers, contact them about Study Group and local UB activities. Lone Star's membership officer is David Glass, he keeps track of new "Referrals". He can give you phone numbers and eddresses for these contacts, and others in your area. Write him if you want to start or add to your Study Group, make new UB friends, or just talk to another reader: DGlass63@aol.com
Also at your service are the other officers of Lone Star Urantia Association:
President - Debra Guevara
debraathome@yahoo.comVice President - Betty Tarpley
cbt741@sbcglobal.netSecretary - Rick Guevara
rvguevara@yahoo.comTreasurer/Editor - David Jaggers
dsjaggers@txcyber.comCommunications/Editor - Rick Warren
5. The Dissemination of the Urantia Book. Where are we and where are we going? This article explores dissemination from today's perspective, its origin, its history from Dalamatia to us, and a plan for global outreach.
An Overview and a Plan (Part one)Urantia Association International members gather under the light of revelation for study and dissemination of the supernal teachings found in The Urantia Book. It is our privilege and responsibility to place this new light where other seekers may also find it.
Jesus said to his followers:P.1572 - §4 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house..."
Disseminating the Master's light feeds the soul experiences needed to advance in the seven circles of human achievement. Disseminating the light of life creates a reliable source of service satisfaction, at the same time it provides a beacon for those still searching. This is service in action, service that flows in both directions.
The UAI was designed as a service organization for members who desire to study and spread this particular light of truth in association with other reader/believers. The UAI was purposely and meticulously planned to become a training ground for students, teachers and leaders who want to understand and disseminate the teachings. Several forms of this service have already begun.
UAI offers members many avenues of service and manifold methods to express that inevitable desire to do something with the revelation. This craving to help always accompanies the discovery of Father's light and his purpose. Once readers understand the significance of The Urantia Book, each one then begins to discover the unique role they have as a student and a disseminator. For some it is entirely natural to want to perform this dual role in concert with others. In fact, the most efficient way to disseminate the revelation to a whole planet is to work in teams.
The UAI Charter focuses member’s collective energy on service through teamwork. This focus is defined in the Charter’s initial statement:
ARTICLE 1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSEMission: To foster study of The Urantia Book and to disseminate its teachings.
This deceptively simple twelve word, two-fold mission statement will take centuries to complete. When dawn breaks on the age of light and life, many, many generations will have passed The Urantia Book from older to younger hands. Today’s readers are but the second and third generations to know and spread the revelation. This does not suggest our role is insignificant. Indeed the dissemination we perform during our watch is crucial. What we do now will redound to the degree of success of the revelation.
It is the aim of the Study Group, Education and Conference Committees, as well as the Urantia Book Internet School, to assist members in understanding the revelation. These entities focus their service on the first verb in the mission statement. They are coordinate with the Dissemination Committee to fulfill both purposes UAI was organized to accomplish.
It is the aim of the Dissemination Committee (DC) to begin to address the work implied in the second verb of the mission statement. To achieve such a far-reaching task, an understanding of this word from the Latin language is required. Dictionaries agree disseminate means to spread seed widely. This meaning provides an apt analogy of the DC’s work in seeding the revelation.
It is crucial to the progress of the revelation that this early opportunity to disseminate be used in an effective way, one that renders the greatest good and the least injury to Urantian society. An overview of dissemination technique is required before beginning. Knowledge of the diverse methods of dissemination is needed in order to complete our mission. A Divine Counselor offers this sage and succinct advice for a comprehensive evaluation of any situation:
P.215 - §3 ...The true perspective of any reality problem--human or divine, terrestrial or cosmic--can be had only by the full and unprejudiced study and correlation of three phases of universe reality: origin, history, and destiny. The proper understanding of these three experiential realities affords the basis for a wise estimate of the current status.Origin of Dissemination:
Dissemination began when the Eternal Son became the living Word of God the Father. Father wants his universe children to know Him. The Urantia Book is but a stitch in an infinite tapestry of life and revelation that stretches from Paradise to the edges of time and space. The origin of dissemination of revealed truth on Urantia began five hundred thousand years ago.
~End Part One~
[This the first part of an article that appeared in the UAI JOURNAL earlier this year. I wrote them from the point of view of the chair of UAI's Dissemination Committee. Your feedback, comments and critiques are always welcome. Contact me at: rewar@swbell.net Rick]Next Issues: History and Future of Dissemination
[Click this link http://www.urantia-iua.org/Journal/index.html for the full text of the article: The UAI Journal.]
6. Study Groups are the cells in the readership body.
At this stage, fifty one years since publication of the revelation, they are still quite sparse. Texas and surrounding states have but a few SGs at present. In Texas, Houston, San Antonio, Amarillo, El Paso, Beaumont, Lubbock, Wichita Falls, Tyler and Corpus Christi, none of these have SGs. When readers find resonance with the teachings, they sooner or later realize the need for personal contact with others of like mind. That usually occurs at a SG or a conference.
Study Groups take energy, preparation and leadership. UAI President Gaétan Charland led the phenomenal development of SGs in Canada. He was asked to put his method in words:
The Indwelling Spirit in study groups.
This method of studying the Urantia Book in groups, while being very effective in enhancing perceptions of the Indwelling Spirit in the realm of the super-consciousness does not pretend to be better or replace any other methods that may be in use throughout the many study groups of the Urantia Book now in existence.
This method has evolved with the help of many and through actual experiences during the long years of research to find ways to perceive the spiritual truths that lie in the writings of the Urantia Book, in the understanding of others and most importantly in the realm of the super-consciousness where the Indwelling Spirit manifests itself.
This way of having a study group, while it enhances spiritual perception, has the merit of improving teaching and leadership abilities. Those abilities can be improved by sharing the role of the facilitator with other participants when they are ready to accept such responsibilities and understand the underlying principles well enough to be experienced. One needs to know before one can teach; it takes many sessions before anyone can become comfortable with this method, so be patient.
This method also improves harmony and spiritual growth in the participants as long as they put into practice what they learn. Action is the necessary ingredient for growth and no amount of knowledge, even spiritual, can replace genuine experience. The outlook of each participant in using this method has to be focused on the practical side of life. Unending discussions on the sometimes hypothetical and unrealistic exploration of spiritual meanings detached from the reality of daily living is at worst detrimental to the study group experience and to its participants.
The leader of the study group needs to be focused on three very important aspects and goals:
- The promotion of intellectual and spiritual understanding of the teachings of the Urantia Book.
- The spiritual growth of the participants
- The training of teachers and leaders
The underlying principles of this method are very simple and easy to understand. They rely mainly on spiritual truths and teachings contained in The Urantia Book. They make use of the higher aspects of the functioning of the human personality and have great respect for its potential. Those principles also take into account the inward working of the Indwelling Spirit that inhabits our being and its relentless efforts to spiritualise our minds.
Underlying principles:
Certain papers in The Urantia Book are more suitable to such a technique. Papers concerned with the evolution of the planet and its life might be more suitable to a different approach. Any papers having to do with God, the Indwelling Spirit or spiritual growth might better benefit by this approach.
- Participant’s sincere willingness to know and experience spiritual truth.
- The recognition that the truth we perceived is relative to our own personality and life experiences.
- The recognition that our spiritual brothers and sisters have different views and perspectives of the same truth which we perceive.
- The recognition that the Thought Adjuster needs our full cooperation to impress upon our super consciousness any truth we are trying to perceive.
- The recognition that in a group dedicated to spiritual understanding and perception of truths, the Adjusters can coordinate the efforts of each participant to enhance group harmony.
The leaders of study groups interested in this method should be careful when new readers are present. It is more beneficial and proper if each participant has previously read the Urantia Book entirely and has arrived at a desire for deeper comprehension. This method does not rely only on intelligence or intellectual acuity. Other methods might be more suitable for new readers where the leader is capable and knowledgeable in different ways of animating study groups.
Leaders in study groups need to understand group dynamics, while big groups might be encouraging; they tend to be harder to coordinate. Look at the example of Jesus; he many times taught small groups. A group of seven is a very good group and we should always limit the number to twelve.
The dynamics and working.
When a study group adopts this method of functioning, every participant should be aware of its rules. This method is dedicated to spiritual understanding and growth so it would be quite natural to start a session by a short silent prayer to the Indwelling Spirit.
The leader chooses a paper that is consistent with the group’s spiritual maturity.
The leader determines who will start reading; he will decide how many paragraphs should be read by each participant based on the complexity of the subject. (Usually 2 or 3 at the most)
After a participant has read his part, he is welcomed to share with the group his own understanding of the text. He should strive to understand the spiritual as much as the intellectual meanings.
The participants can use real life experiences as a way to share their understanding of what they have perceived.
Discussion should always stay factual and focus on real life applications.
While a participant is sharing his own understanding, other participants are encouraged to listen attentively to what is being shared and not disturb the flow of reflections.
After the reader has shared his view, other participants are welcomed to share their own understanding of the read paragraphs. No one is allowed to criticise, only to augment on what others have shared.
Only one person at a time is allowed to speak. Others must respectfully listen and wait their turn.
No arguments are allowed to take place. This is not a debate. Debates or arguments are the realm of the intellectual ego; they are not favourable to spiritual insight and Adjuster’s influence.
After every participant has shared his perception, the leader can augment or summarize the ideas that were expressed. Usually if ample opportunities are given to everyone to share their view, the leader will have the final word and ask another participant to continue the reading.
No one should be forced to share his understanding. Some people at the beginning are very timid and lack confidence, but with time and respect they will grow and share.
The leader is responsible for the harmony and discipline of the group and should, when necessary restrain participants in their desire to expand on other areas of interest.
Distractions should be kept to a strict minimum; even the pouring of water can stop the flow of perception in one’s mind. The Adjuster needs the mind in a receptive state to impress meanings on the super-conscious level.
If some participants have questions concerning certain passages or meanings, the leader can ask if anyone would be willing to answer the questions or he could, if he judges otherwise answer them at the end of the round.
It is a good practice for the leaders of such a group to prepare themselves in prayer before the meeting. It could be suggested to members to do the same thing and be encouraged to read the paper before they come to the group.
If every participant is in the right attitude within their minds and fully focused on the spiritual goal of the group, then everyone will be able to have a very profound experience of spiritual awareness of truth. This is as much for the leader of such groups as well as for the participants.
This method of having a study group can be greatly enhanced by choosing specific subjects with specific goals in mind. It can also be used as a medium to organize workshop conferences by having every participant prepare short speeches on a predefined subject that would be explored in such a group. The speakers at such workshops would than be invited to facilitate a workshop based on their speech. Such workshop conferences could accommodate as many as 5 to 6 speakers with similar workshops. This is a complement to the training of leaders and teachers.
Another way to further explore this kind of method is to have once in a while the participants make a summary of a whole chapter within a predefined paper that was read previously in the group and present this summary as a short speech to the others within the group. This will help in focusing the mind and improving the work of the Adjuster. Remember, the Adjuster always needs an action on our part to actualise the growth potential of our soul.
Nothing is better than the actual experience, so have a lot of joy exploring and adapting this method to your study groups. Be patient, it took me more than a few sessions before I could witness any significant results.
In Spirit,
Gaetan CharlandPS: For study groups with new readers, a variant of this method could be used; I will write some more on that.
7. According to recent studies, thinking "good" thoughts is healthy for you. That which is truly good for us is also good for the planet. But what constitutes good? Consider the following ruminations and quotes about good, goodness and the Angels whose work it is fostering this one element of the values triad---truth, beauty and goodness:
Angels Good and GreatIn Paper 28 a Mighty Messenger revealed seven hitherto unknown sets of angels. Unlike the first five, the last two are listed under one heading. They bear the titles: The Secret of Greatness and the Soul of Goodness.
In the universe regime nothing of significance is overlooked. It might never have occurred to the human mind to create Angels of Greatness and Angels of Goodness, but our all-wise divine parents thought of them, provided them, and minister through them in concert with manifold other spiritual influences from here to Paradise.
The Mighty Messenger pointedly revealed these two types of angels must needs work together while on Urantia. And it is worth noting the names and deeds of the five other sets of angels revealed in this section that outlines the work of Tertiary Seconaphim.
Listed before Greatness and Goodness were these oddly named angelic groupings:
The Significance of Origins
The Memory of Mercy
The Import of Time
The Solemnity of Trust
The Sanctity of Service
After descriptions of the roles of each of these came: The Secret of Greatness and the Soul of Goodness. All seven taken together must be what the authors believe to be the components and training ground of goodness and greatness. The authors appear to equate greatness and goodness, even unite them. Both have to be understood in relation to many, many other aspects of spiritual living of course, but this focus the authors put on greatness and its relation to goodness is eye-catching because humans do not normally think of goodness as inseparable from greatness. We try to be and do good, but almost without exception don't consider ourselves or our acts to be great.
It may be a bit intimidating that the two come as one, but apparently we are all destined for greatness with and through goodness, all who survive Urantia at least. The authors takes great pains to make it apparent that greatness is to be recognized, cultivated and appreciated. And that greatness will ever be found in intimate working relation with goodness.
Below are the final angelic details from the section titled: Tertiary Seconaphim (page 317). It is a summary statement on those who are working even now on Urantia, trying in spite of lingering evil, to foster goodness and thereby unloose its ever-present companion---greatness. So closely associated is the work of these angels that the revelators paired them, and only them.
The Secret of Greatness and the Soul of Goodness. The ascending pilgrims having awakened to the import of time, the way is prepared for the realization of the solemnity of trust and for the appreciation of the sanctity of service. While these are the moral elements of greatness, there are also secrets of greatness. When the spiritual tests of greatness are applied, the moral elements are not disregarded, but the quality of unselfishness revealed in disinterested labor for the welfare of one's earthly fellows, particularly worthy beings in need and in distress, that is the real measure of planetary greatness. And the manifestation of greatness on a world like Urantia is the exhibition of self-control. The great man is not he who "takes a city" or "overthrows a nation," but rather "he who subdues his own tongue."
Greatness is synonymous with divinity. God is supremely great and good. Greatness and goodness simply cannot be divorced. They are forever made one in God. This truth is literally and strikingly illustrated by the reflective interdependence of the Secret of Greatness and the Soul of Goodness, for neither can function without the other. In reflecting other qualities of divinity, the superuniverse seconaphim can and do act alone, but the reflective estimates of greatness and of goodness appear to be inseparable. Hence, on any world, in any universe, must these reflectors of greatness and of goodness work together, always showing a dual and mutually dependent report of every being upon whom they focalize. Greatness cannot be estimated without knowing the content of goodness, while goodness cannot be portrayed without exhibiting its inherent and divine greatness.
The estimate of greatness varies from sphere to sphere. To be great is to be Godlike. And since the quality of greatness is wholly determined by the content of goodness, it follows that, even in your present human estate, if you can through grace become good, you are thereby becoming great. The more steadfastly you behold, and the more persistently you pursue, the concepts of divine goodness, the more certainly will you grow in greatness, in true magnitude of genuine survival character. [from p. 317]
8. Teacher and UBIS director Dorothy Elders sent the following, if you can't get into the fall classes, plan now for the winter semester, go to: www.urantiabookschool.org
Dorothy writes:
Dear Fellow UAI Members,
In sending this announcement to the list, I wish to preface it with my heartfelt greetings to everyone. It is indeed a joyous experience to witness the reach and breadth of this growing organization, and to savor the Local, National and International flavor from readers around the world. At this time when the current topic is about the coming elections, it is really nice to see how helpful our current officers are to everybody as they answer questions and inquiries. It's a lot of work, making an organization "work" and at the same time keeping it "real" ... effective and meaningful.... to the individual members. I really think that the "aroma of friendliness" abounds in the leadership of the UAI, and I just wanted to say "thank you" for all that you do.
UBIS NEWS: "Up close and Personal"
The UBIS, an educational/outreach service of the Urantia Foundation, will start its eighth year on Monday, September 4. During the past seven years, the UBIS English Version has presented 64 courses, and many more have been given in Finnish, French and Spanish. In January of 2006 we upgraded to a web-based format, and during the summer we made an additional enhancement to the "Discussion Week" format, now in place for the September Semester.
Readers from all corners of the world look forward to and enjoy the opportunity to study and fellowship together, and our need for experienced and dedicated teachers is great. Every semester the number of readers desiring to participate in these courses grows, and at this point we could easily fill five courses each semester if we had the teachers. We have a good "teacher Training" program, and it begins with first experiencing the UBIS as a student. After a person has taken two courses and is aware of the time-requirement element, and desires to serve as a Teacher/Facilitator, they participate in the "Teacher Training" class, the final phase of the T/T program. From there, they select either the January, April or September semester and begin to develop their course. "First-time T/Fs" always have the help of a UBIS Mentor and the guidance of the Course Review Committee, during the preparation of their first course.
I mention all of the above in the very sincere hope that many of you will become interested in the UBIS, and that you will be moved to come and join us, and help us in this service to the ever-growing readership.
[ Only two courses are offered this September. UBIS teachers are needed to participate in the September Training class. ]
Registration begins on Monday, September 4, 2006, on the UBIS website: http://www.urantiabookschool.org
September 2006 Schedule of Courses
PART III AND IVTITLE: The Seventh Bestowal: From Michael of Nebadon to Jesus of Nazareth
Teacher/Facilitator: Allan Trout
Papers 119, 120, 133/134 and 136
Course Descripter:
With a broad background view of previous bestowals and a focus on the 7th Bestowal requirements, this course helps us gain perspective on Michael's bestowal on our world.
PART IVTITLE: Becoming: Jesus, From Adolescence to the Perfected Man
Teacher/Facilitator: Mary Steigerwald
Papers 126, 127, 128, 129
Course Descripter:
Beginning with Jesus' fourteenth year, this study follows the Master's life, from adolescence and young manhood, to age twenty-nine. These papers illuminate for us Jesus' remarkable experiences on his journey to becoming "well-nigh the perfection of man."Registration information is available on the UBIS page of the Urantia Foundation website
Or you may go to the UBIS website on or after Monday, September 4
In friendship,
Dorothy Elder
Director, UBIS
Member of SURF
Los Angeles, CA
9. Mark Kurtz is financial officer of the whole UAI, he works hard. His responsibility is to find the money to operate an international organization devoted to spreading the teachings and the benign virus. His periodic reviews have found much generosity and willingness to help within the membership. He is now looking to develop charitable giving in the mid and upper range. He wrote to the International Service Board in a recent post:
...We can see that we are on the mark in numbers of gifts of less than $100, but we are very weak in the $100-$249 and the $250-$499 ranges. This clearly shows we need greater emphasis on the larger amounts.
If you are in a position to help on this level, please do so. UAI's expenses at the international level are necessary and critical to achieving our 950 year global mission. You probably already support the Foundation's ongoing mission to publish, protect and translate, why not support also the personal side of the revelation, our UAI whose mission it is to study and disseminate the supernal teachings found in the Urantia Papers?
Your contributions help with conferences, prison placement, development of SGs, local and international communications, salary for our Executive Administrator, assistance to indigent readers, and many other worthy projects that support grass root initiatives arising from the Local and National Associations.
Sign up online, or contact Mark about needs and options. PayPal is available for those who prefer giving automatically.
For more go to: UAI Donations Page http://urantia-iua.org/paypal.html
And feel free to contact Mark Kurtz at:
Tel: 574/533-2974
10. The call for nominations to the International Service Board election (or ISB--the executive branch of UAI) has gone out. President Charland sent the following announcement to the Representative Council (the legislative branch) last month:
Distinguished members of the Representative Council,
In March of 2007 election for different positions at the ISB will be held. This is the official announcement for nominations to the positions that are open for election. At the same time that this announcement is made, a call is made to the RC to nominate three (3) of their members to serve on the election committee. One position calls for the Election Committee Chair and two for committee members.
It is the responsibility of the RC members to communicate to the membership of their area the call for nomination. The ISB will use all available means of communication to relay the pertinent information to the general membership.
The positions that are open are as follow:
Vice-president Secretary Communication Committee Chair Charter Committee Chair Dissemination Committee Chair Study group Committee Chair
Gaetan Charland
PresidentClick this link to go to the Bylaws which describe the election process:
http://www.urantia-iua.org/IUA_bylaws.htmlThe following are the germane paragraphs:
Section 6.3.1. Election.a. Nominations. Six months prior to expiration of any ISB term, or immediately upon the occurrence of a vacancy on the ISB, the President shall issue a call to the ISB and the RC for nominations to be submitted to the Secretary within 45 days. The call for nominations shall include the position title(s), the term(s) of office, and required or recommended qualifications for the office(s). The members of the RC shall thereupon call for nominees from their Governing Boards and their Councils of Local Presidents and Vice-Presidents, if applicable, and shall encourage the call for nominees to be broadly communicated within their associations through available communications vehicles.
Nominations for any position on the ISB may be made (1) by any current ISB member, (2) by any member of the RC, (3) by any National or Local Association, (4) by a nomination signed by at least ten full members and/or members-at-large, in any combination of these two categories.
Nominations must state the position for which the candidate is nominated and certify that the candidate is willing and able to serve and meets the qualifications for the position. Nominations must also include background information regarding the candidate’s administrative experience, references, language skills, prior UAI service, and any information pertinent to the candidate’s qualifications to serve as a member.
Websites offering information, study and contact for all levels of our organization are abundant. Starting at the Local level is the Lone Star website where Study Groups are listed, newsletters are archived and many other items concerning LSUA, UAUS and UAI. Submit your items to one of the governing board members for inclusion on the site.
These are LSUA Local Officers contacts:
President - Debra Guevara
debraathome@yahoo.comVice President - Betty Tarpley
cbt741@sbcglobal.netSecretary - Rick Guevara
rvguevara@yahoo.comTreasurer/Editor - David Jaggers
dsjaggers@txcyber.comCommunications/Editor - Rick Warren
rewar@swbell.netThis link below will take you to the National level where there are photos, UB inspired music and art reviews, and yet other germane info for readers:
At the international level, you will find the Charter and Bylaws, UAI projects involving study and dissemination, event information, membership requirements, and many, many other items of interest to members.
Newsletters from other Associations around the planet can be found here:
Most of these sites have links to yet other sites associated with study and dissemination activities. To view all the Association's links, go to:
If you would like to join UAI and participate in its mission to foster study and disseminate the teachings, there are several options for application on the UAI website's membership page:
If you want to know or show the sort of projects UAI is involved in, please go to the UAI Projects Page:
Rick Warren, rewar@swbell.netDavid Jaggers,dsjaggers@txcyber.com
LSUA Communications