********* September 16, 1996 ********** Volume 3/Number 3 ********
Fellow Soldiers of the Circles:
It would be easy to use all the tricky phrases to describe the IUA Conference in Nashville, like --
"It was exhilarating."
"It was rewarding."
"It was a great experience."
-- but they still come out just as words. The only description I'm going to give you is WOW!!! You gotta try it for yourself.
The presence of the Spirit of Truth was so real at times, you could almost feel its breath on you. It's my opinion that many Thought Adjusters were very pleased at such a gathering.
I want to tell you what's going on at a national and international level, but there are so many exciting things happening, it's hard to know where to begin. But here goes:
- Tonia Baney has been retained full time by the Foundation as Executive Director. For those of you who know and love Tonia, big, wonderful things are going to happen, you can be sure. She is capable, experienced, qualified, inspired, and who know what else, to do this job. We all need to unite around Tonia and help her organize and orchestrate our efforts to produce translations, place the book, and do those many things that will carry us into the next century serving mankind and doing the Father's will. The work is before us, and the opportunities abound for each soldier to do his part. Together our tasks will bring great rewards.
- Rick Warren's placement program is moving along, and hopefully, it will be a pattern for many programs in the future.
- The next conference at the regional level will be in Canberra, Australia on October 11-14, 1996. Lord willing, Jannean and I will be there. A report will be forthcoming.
- The next national conference will be in May, 1997, in the San Diego area. Details will be coming as they are completed. The meeting will be at an exclusive resort, and the number who can be accommodated will be limited. It is being sponsored by the USUA, Rick Brinkman, President and Carol Jett, Treasurer. Once registration opportunities come out, don't wait or you will be too late. If you want to register early, send $100 for each registration to:
Carol Jett, Treasurer
USUA, 1366 N. Alta Vista Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90046
Total cost for everything -- room, board, etc. -- will run about $400. She is taking advance registrations, because I've already made one for Jannean and me.
- Yours truly has been named to the Building Committee by the Foundation. I was in Chicago on August 24 to study with other members concerning what needs to be done to our International Headquarters at 533 Diversey Parkway. You will be hearing more about that wonderful project soon. I encourage any and all of you to visit our headquarters and become an integral part of that historic place and its role in the birth of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. The old cliche, "If walls could talk..." certainly fits here.
- Translations are the big news, because they're moving so rapidly, it's hard to keep track of them. If my count is close, the number of translations now completed are the Spanish, French and Finnish editions, which are now in print. To be completed this year are the Russian, Korean and Dutch versions. And under stages of development are the Swedish, Estonian, German and Italian translations. My recollection is that the major languages of the world "may" by completed this century with the many minor language to come.
- The next international conference will be held in Helsinki in August, 1998. The readership in Finland is phenomenal. The Urantia Book is the third most popular book checked out of libraries in Finland. Seppo Kenerva told me most librarians have a long waiting list in Finland. One estimate I heard was that 30 percent of the adults in Finland are students of the Book. Even if only half of that number is correct, the implications are incredible.
I must stop rambling now, as I could go on and on about the good news that is happening to our Soldiers of the Circles army as it grows planet-wide. Remember, fellow soldiers, evolution is slow but very, very,effective. Don't let anyone tell you we are moving too slowly. Our progress is slow, solid, and based on truth. You and I, the Foundation and all our co-workers stand on truth. It is all that prevails in the end.
Bryan Snowden
This project is an attempt to raise ten million dollars for translations by 2000 AD. If you want to raise $500 or more in your area, call and I will tell you how we did it in the DFW metroplex.
Rick Warren
Your spark is needed!
The important work now is translation and placement.
Donations are deductible.
P.S. Imagine what it would mean to have the book in Chinese and Hindi. That could be an additional two billion readers.
Linda Cockrell
P. O. Box 123350
Forth Worth, TX 76121
David Jaggers
4108 Caroline, Apt. 2
Houston, TX 77004
Shellie Lyon is still central librarian for tapes and will coordinate between Linda and David.
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Your comments, questions & insights are appreciated!